Booking Promotions
Promotions and discounted ways that you can save!

For questions about any of our promotions or to put a date on hold (at no charge), contact our sales team by emailing macevents@umn.edu or calling 612-624-9831. If you’d like to see our rooms, we’re happy to schedule a private in-person tour.
Alumni Discount
U of MN Alumni Association dues-paying members always earn savings when they book an event at McNamara. Members at the multi-year and life member levels receive 10% and 20% discounts (respectively) on their meetings and events. These discounts cannot be combined with a second promotion. Visit Alumni Discounts to learn more.
Available Fall Saturdays in 2025
We have a few Saturdays in Fall of 2025 open: September 13, September 20 and October 4. Grab one of these dates for a Fall wedding and we’ll take $500 off your room wedding package!
Planning a winter wedding at McNamara has many perks! For starters, winter months (November through March) fall under our “off peak” dates, saving you up to $500 in either of our small or large zones: University Hall for < 120 people and Memorial Hall for < 400 people.
Likewise, wedding receptions without a ceremony held in Memorial Hall during these off peak months are eligible for an additional $1000 savings by having the option of removing the Johnson Great Room. Celebrations with more than 250 guests must use the Johnson Great Room in addition to Memorial Hall.
These promotions are not valid for already booked weddings.
Book a conference in July or August and we’ll waive the charges for any of our owned furniture and equipment including pipe & drape and portable whiteboard. We also have some open Fall 2025 dates too with all rooms available, but inquiries come in daily so book a date now!
Throughout the year if you book a 3-day conference, you qualify for a multi-day discount—your third day’s room rental is reduced by 10%.
McNamara is happy to always offer “fundraiser freebies” to non-profit organizations that book a fundraiser gala with us. These free items include storage and parking at our front entrance among many attractive conveniences. Visit Galas to learn more.