Items We Rent
Equipment and Decor to Enhance Your Events

To accommodate simultaneous and complex events, the McNamara Alumni Center owns a large inventory of standard furniture and equipment. Items that are included in room rental can be found on each room’s page of the website under the Features section. We also own specialty décor and furniture that are available to rent. See the list below. For requested items that we do not have in our inventory, McNamara recommends several vendors in the Minneapolis area who deliver to or provide services at McNamara frequently.
Items Included in Room Rental
A podium with a microphone, handheld wireless microphone, wireless lapel microphone, wireless Internet, and built-in screen and projector are included in the room rental of most of our ten rooms. Please check in the Features section of each room page what items are included in the room rental. A comprehensive list of McNamara’s technology and AV, including what we rent, can be found on our AV & Technology page.
The following items are complimentary upon request, subject to availability: coatracks, easels, a full-length mirror, stanchions, a wheelchair, a music stand, and movable wooden display panels.
Pipe & drape (colors: black, maroon, copper, white) $100
Slate Candle Centerpieces
- Made by Minnesota artist Chris Weise using hand-picked North Shore rocks
- Approximate diameter—10 inches
- Can be placed in Memorial Hall’s water feature
- $20 per holder
- 49 available
Rental includes glasses and tea lights
Wild Wire Candelabras
- Approximate height of 2.5 feet
- 10 glass candle holders each
- $20 per stand
- 20 available
- Rental includes glasses and tea lights
6 lights for $350; 12 lights for $500. Unlimited color options!
6’ x 8’ stage platform with skirting and step with handles $50
Club Chairs $50 each
Portable Whiteboard $25
Coat check attendant $20/hr/attendant
U of MN Police officer $116/hr (3 hour minimum)
U of MN Security $60.75/hr (4 hour minimum)
U of MN School of Music musicians (Please inquire with McNamara event staff.)
U of MN Goldy Gopher mascot visit (Please inquire with McNamara staff.)
Valet services (Please inquire with McNamara staff.)
3M Post-it Flipchart (25” x 30”), stand & markers $25/set
Gaffers tape $25/roll